Creedence Street - 2022

Creedence Street was probably one of the most famous streets in all of Millpond, and not because of some insidious reason usually associated with the place, but more for it’s decorative efforts come times of celebration. They were a real close and family-friendly community. Always happy to spread their joy and laughter and efforts with the rest of the town. That would all soon change.

On July 4th, every house along the road would coordinate their fireworks, barbecues and tents all set up, the smell of hamburgers would drift a mile away. At Halloween, every trick or treater between the ages of six and sixteen would come a knockin’. Ghosts and ghoulies and witches linin’ up in the front gardens lookin’ like a horror movie. And at Christmas time it’s like a winter wonderland, with carols and nativities all throughout the season. It looks all the more impressive when it snows too. 

The street is so renowned for its ability to bring such joy and happiness, that it brings visitors and tourists from all over the world to come and see. Of course, the tradition died down a bit during the covid years, but come 2022, the place opened up again and the celebrations were bigger than ever! 

Word got around through the internet ya see, all them videos that got shared were watched whilst people were stuck home. So when July 4th was upon us, it turned into a true tourist destination. More people than ever before showed up to watch them fireworks. Some say there were more tourists than Millpondians at the time.

The only problem with this was, it would bring some unwanted attention. But lemme tell you this, in all of Millpond, I can safely say, ya don’t mess around with this community.

So it was July 4th and the burgers were sizzling, the hot dogs were searing and the drinks were flowing. Children ran around with sparklers, laughing and jokin’, with the adults chattin’ and gassin’ about the good times. Then it started, the sky boomed overhead with fireworks. Reds and purples, blues and greens. A real spectacle it was. Probably the best display yet. There were families, friends, neighbours, your usual hard workin’ Millpondians. But unfortunately amongst the crowd were a group that were determined to ruin all the fun for everyone. A group that would almost immediately regret their actions.

There must have been about four of ‘em, weaving through the crowd like snakes in a forest, their faces shadowed by their hoods. Everyone’s eyes were tilted to the skies ya see, so it worked in their favour. One of them pulled out a syringe and stabbed someone in the back, withdrawing vials of blood from them. They were so quick, most didn’t realise it’d happened until after the syringe was pulled out and they were left with a stinging feeling.

They must have done this to nine or ten different people - until a young boy saw them. He was the right height for it ya see. He yelled, the crowd panicked. It didn’t take too long for someone to realise they were being attacked. Some huddled, others rushed around looking for their loved ones. One of the victims found a broken needle sticking out from their side, squirting fine jets of blood from it, before falling to the ground. 

Now I tell ya, mob mentality - it’s a serious thing. It can spread like an infection itself, especially when you got a bunch of patriotic individuals all bunched together, celebrating freedom against adversity. 

As soon as someone spoke up, someone else pointed the finger. A poor German tourist insisted it wasn’t him, but they beat him black and blue for it. It was over in a few seconds, but one of the misfit group members must’ve seen it and decided it was time to skedaddle and leave the mob to eat their own. A proud Father eyed the misfits huddling together, confabbing and ready to scarper. But oh no, that wasn’t gonna fly.  

The Father pointed his finger and shouted, “Stop! Stop, right now, Goddamn it!”.

Of course, they didn’t, they tightened their hoods and ran, but it was too late. They were stopped at the end of the street by another group of the community. They tried to pivot, but their other exit was blocked. The crowds gathered around them, creating a circle. The misfits suddenly brandished weapons - syringes, a knife, brass knuckles, ready to defend themselves. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that it was anyone else that caused this trouble. They started it, but Creedence Street were gonna end it.

It wasn’t long until an unopened can of beer flew over the crowd and collided with the head of one of those misfits, knocking him to the floor. Now, they say you should never bring a knife to a gunfight, and well… it’s true. Because when that .45 round pierced the night sky it sounded like a firework. That familiar boom that vibrates through your chest like thunder and rings through your ears. It opened up his face like a flower blossoming in fast forward. 

Another one took a baseball bat to the back of the head, sending him crashing to the floor like a sack of potatoes. And then there was one. He was clearly terrified. He dropped the syringe on the floor and held his hands high as if surrenderin’. But this was one of those moments that, no matter how many people witnessed it, would always make you stop and question what you truly remember. 

As the burly gentleman from 361 Creedence Street lent in to grab the misfit by the scruff, the hooligan struck his arm, snapping it in half. He then fired his teeth into his neck, sinking them into his carotid artery. Blood sprayed out like a fountain. The crowd recoiled in shock as the misfit yanked its face away, letting the poor gentleman crumple to the ground. Blood smeared across its twisted grin, leaving all the onlookers stunned.

I say “it” because ain’t no one sure of whether it was a person or… goodness knows what. The thing pulled back its hood to reveal its veiny, bald-skinned head. It had a bloody slit running from the bridge of its nose up its forehead to behind its skull that seemed to connect to its spine. Its flesh was wet and oily, its ears were tiny holes and it had hives running up the side of its face like a hideous disease. It was ugly as hell. Its eyes, now inky black, filled right out to the corners. Then it smiled baring its razor-sharp teeth. Its mouth widened from ear to ear, as it lusted at the frightened crowd.

People didn’t know what they were even lookin’ at. That’s when its leathery wings burst open from its sweater, knocking the people on either side to the floor. It looked up at the night sky and shot straight up into the air. People watched in amazement as it disappeared into the night over the fireworks from other neighbourhoods that illuminated the sky.

Since then, no one in that crowd, or even on Creedence Street, has spoken a word about what happened. The German tourist was taken to Millpond Mercy Hospital where he mended. Two of the misfits were arrested and the one that was killed was cremated, with no one claiming the body. 

The traditions have somewhat quietened down on Creedence Street. Halloween seems to have taken precedence there now though, but no sighting as of yet for whatever the hell that thing was they saw that night. 

Hopefully, they’ll never see it again.

Chris Holt

Werewolf lover. Zombie hugger. Football avoider.


Afterlife Highschoolers - 2006